Satya Cine Distributors
Satya Cine Distributors is a Sandalwood leading Film Distribution provider, with a complete transparency and successful track record of over 20 featured films distributed. Their wide variety of content and exceptional distribution services make them the perfect choice for any film related needs. Satya Cine Distributors have their own distribution companies across Karnataka and we are one of the leading and most renowned distributors of feature films. We have been at the forefront of adopting multiple new age and process driven practices in the field of film distribution while constantly endeavoring to reinvent the wheel which enables us to set industry benchmarks in terms of revenue and fair business practices. Apart from our home productions, SCD has successfully distributed movies of other renowned film-makers with transparency in all over the Karnataka.
Indeed nobody covers the new filmmakers dream projects, content and film territory of Karnataka in its entirety like the Distribution Team of Satya Cine Distributors.
SCD has successfully released some of Karnataka's biggest and most loved movies like Purushottama, Kamblihula, Kasagiputagalu, Vidhi 370, Four Walls, Gilki, Bypassroad, Vikipedia, 3.0, Shubamangala, Hubali Dhaba, "O", Kullana Hendati, Dwipatra, Shambo Shiva Shankara, Sri Balaji Photo Studio, Sakuchi ,Paalaar, Arambha, Chowkabhara,
Ondanki Kadu.
Distribute your Dream Film with us!
Get in touch so we can start working together.